Photos of Monahans, TX

Water Department

The Water Department is responsible for distribution, maintenance, testing and the safety of our water supply.  Their duties include inspecting lines, making new water taps, installing and repairing water lines and cleaning, repairing and replacing damaged water mains.  The Water Department takes pride in providing a safe and reliable supply of water for the citizens of Monahans.

The city owns and operates the portion of each customer's water service line that runs from the water main distribution network to the customer's meter which is typically located near the customer's property line.  The property owner is responsible for the service lines leading from the water meter to the home or business along with all the plumbing inside the property.

If you experience problems such as cloudiness, dirty water or an odor let the water run for a few minutes to clean the lines.  If the problem persist or you have questions or concerns about the quality of your drinking water call City Hall at (432) 943-4343.

If you have an unusually high water bill it could be caused by a leak.  Check the plumbing inside the property and the lines to the meter for leaks.  If you do not find a leak give us a call and we will have someone come check our lines.

To report a water main break, sewer backup, fire hydrant leak or for other service issues during normal business hours, contact the Water Department at City Hall, (432) 943-4343.  Outside of normal business hours, you may also report a service problem by contacting the Police Department at (432) 943-3254 and they will contact the on call personnel.



Rated “Superior” by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), our water is provided by the Cenozoic Pecos Alluvium Aquifer.  Seven wells supply fresh water for the city, while numerous windmills and both private and commercial wells supply water for surrounding homes and businesses.  Fresh water is pumped into a holding tank where it is treated and redistributed throughout the city.  The city’s holding tank has a capacity of four million gallons and its water pressure is in the range of 35 to 50 psi.  The average daily consumption is approximately three million gallons with the capability of handling eight million gallons per day. 





Certain people with weak immune systems, such as infants, the elderly, people with HIV/AIDS, or those undergoing chemotherapy are more at risk for any microbial contaminants that might be found in a water system.  These people should contact their healthcare provider about their concerns.  Additional information can be found at the Environmental Protection Agency's safe water web site.

Monahans, TX