The responsibilities of the Solid Waste Services include operating a solid waste collection system, waste water treatment and maintaining the sewage and street drainage lines.
The Solid Waste Service Department provides a reliable and efficient system of collection and transportation of solid waste from residential and commercial customers in a professional, consistent, cost effective method. Solid waste includes the green waste containers (dumpsters) in the alleys and the landfill. We encourage customers with active waste accounts to take any large items such as large tree limbs, building material, furniture and appliances to our landfill.
The landfill accepts refrigerators, freezers and air conditioner units provided that the freon containment units are removed prior to disposal. There is no charge to customers with active waste service accounts to use the landfill.
The city's wastewater collection system provides service for customers within the city limits of Monahans. The City owns and maintains the portion of each customer's sewer service line that extends from the sewer collection system main to the customer's point of connection which is typically located near the customer's property line.
The Waste Water Treatment plant administers and enforces regulations in order to protect the city's wastewater collection system, treatment plant and workers.
These services consume a large part of the city's resources, but are necessary for the city to function. City employees are well-trained, certified and dedicated. They are on-call 24 hours a day to meet any emergency. To report service issues during normal business hours, contact the Water Department at (432) 943-4343. Outside of normal business hours, you may also report a service problem by contacting the Police Department at (432) 943-3254 and they will contact the on call personnel.
Solid waste (SW) and waste water services (WW) are broken out separately on the city utility bill. Residential and Commercial Solid waste container service is billed at a flat rate with in the city limits. Containers outside the city limits are billed at a flat rate plus mileage. Part of each water bill is an entry for Waste water treatment. This amount is based on water usage during the winter and is recalculated each year.